Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Best. 3rd Grade Teacher. Ever. Well...

See that shirt in the picture?  It says it all, right?  It makes me the best 3rd grade teacher ever.  Ever.  Sorry for the rest of you.  I nailed it!

Hahaha!  Now, do I really believe that?  Well, not exactly.  But also, a little.  Let me explain.

First, I do NOT really believe that I am the best 3rd grade teacher ever.  Yes, I am a dreamer, but even my rose-colored glasses are not that rosy.  :-)  I work with some of the best teachers ever on my 3rd grade team (not to mention all the fantastic teachers I am surrounded by all over my building!).  They all do things that literally blow my mind on a daily basis.  They demonstrate great compassion and caring for EVERY single student in their classrooms.  They make me work harder and want to be better every day.  They are THAT good.  And together as a team, we accomplish some pretty great work.  Second, I work in a district where excellence is expected.  I know that, just like in my building, others are doing great things in their buildings as well.  There are immensely creative and passionate individuals managing highly innovative classrooms in every building.  I could walk into any of their classrooms on any given day and learn something new myself.

In addition to the great 3rd grade teachers I am surrounded by every day, I also remember my own 3rd grade teachers.  I had a combined classroom with 2 teachers and approximately 50 kids.  I still really marvel at that when I stop and think about it.  Mr. Kargol was tall and friendly.  He told us stories about his twin boys.  He liked science a lot.  I don't recall there being any discipline problems because he always kept things moving and interesting.  He always had new and fun ideas.  I don't really remember anything he taught me, but I have very fond memories of him as a teacher.

Mrs. Gordon, the other teacher in the room, was one of the kindest individuals I have ever known.  She smiled every day, nearly all day long.  She always had time for my stories.  And she was round and soft--perfect for hugs.  I really loved her.  I don't really remember anything she taught me, but I sure remember her and how I felt in her presence.

So do I really think I am the best 3rd grade teacher ever?  No.  There are far too many others who are equally as qualified to get that title.  But here's what I do believe.  That little girl smiling in the picture above BELIEVES I am the best.  She and I built a relationship during the year.  We worked hard and laughed a lot.  I hope someday she remembers that our days were filled with fun and learning.  I hope she remembers that I made her laugh.  I hope she never forgets that I pushed her to expect more of herself so she could see in herself what I saw in her.  And I hope she always thinks I am the best 3rd grade teacher.  Because that's what I strive to do every day in my classroom.  I want to be the best teacher for each child in my room.  Not because it's a competition, but because that's what kids deserve from me.  They deserve to be loved, held accountable, and pushed beyond what they thought were their limits.  They deserve to look back on the year and remember it as one that made them a better student and a better person.  And if I can do that, then I can confidently say, "Nailed it!"