Monday, September 12, 2016

DWTS and Pillows

Oh, Dancing With The Stars, how I've missed you!  I love this show so much!  I'd give just about anything to be a former child star, forgotten music legend, or an Olympic athlete just returned with my medals about now!  :-)  I was a dancer in my former life, so this show brings me such joy and comfort.  I look forward to it every week.  And what I really love is how these people put themselves out there to do something completely out of their comfort zone.  They set goals to get better every week, and then work their tails off to make it happen.  And sometimes, it's the little things that make a big difference.

That's where the pillows come in.  It's a little thing that, I believe, makes a big difference in my classroom.  I've done this project for about 8 or 9 years now.  I've lost count.  And even though it takes some work up front (really, doesn't everything if it's worth it?), it ends up being one of my favorite days.

If you've ever made the fleece tie blankets, this is the same idea.  I ask the kids to bring a 14 x 14 pillow form (I always have some extra for those who can't provide one themselves), and I provide the fleece.  I wait for the sales at JoAnn Fabrics and Hobby Lobby and use my teacher discount on top of that.  It was a little spendy (Is that really a word?) up front, but I've gotten much more efficient as the years have passed.  It takes 2 20 x 20 pieces of fabric (one front and one back).  I cut and match these ahead of time, and then have parent volunteers cut the fringe.  Then all that's left to do at the party is tie them up.  It's very helpful to have parent volunteers for this as well.  I'm always amazed at how many kids don't know how to tie a knot.  But in the end, between the parents and the kids, we always get them done.

And the kids are instantly in love.  These pillows go everywhere in the room with the kids.  They sit on them at the carpet, snuggle with them while reading books, and make their chairs more comfy.  No two pillows are exactly alike.  The kids know exactly which pillow belongs to which kid.  I still don't know how they can remember that but not remember to put their names on their papers.  ;-)

Here's a look at the choices before we got started this year.

I always have extra choices so whoever gets to pick last still has lots to choose from.

And here are the final products...
Today, as we were packing up to go home, I overheard one of my students say, "Pillow, I love you!"  Happy dancing all around.

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